Digital Literacy Skills

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Curriculum Information

The lessons aren’t just for teachers! Any person working with multilingual immigrant or refugee students or clients may be able to show or print the presentations, without following the exact lesson plan, for what best suits your situation and context. 

Designed to do with, not for! By coming alongside students/clients with these materials, students/clients can immediately feel a sense of ownership and accomplishment in their digital abilities.

They are for use in and out of the classroom! You can use these in classroom settings as well as in one-on-one or small group meetings. 

You can use them in person or online! Each lesson can be adapted, whether you are teaching or working with clients online or face-to-face. 

They are level-appropriate! The curriculum development team designed lessons for students/clients in four levels of language acquisition: Emergent Literacy, Beginning, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate/Advanced. We know that digital literacy skills grow more complex as language skills progress. If you aren’t sure which level of lessons would be right for your class or clients, take a look at lessons from a few different levels, and see our rationale sections for each level. 

You can pick and choose! These lessons are designed to be plug-and-play. That means that you don’t have to teach them in any particular order. Select which level(s) will work for your learner(s), and choose a lesson that’s relevant to their lives or what you’re covering in class. However, if you have the opportunity to teach all of the lessons in a unit, you’ll find they work together to offer a comprehensive picture of digital literacy.

Some lessons are translated! Look for the following PowerPoint lessons translated into Arabic, Russian, Spanish, French, Dari, Burmese, and Kinyarwandan. You can present these lessons directly to students, or print them out for them to follow along in class or in a 1:1 meeting with you. To print handouts, downloads the PDFs. You may want to adjust your print settings to have 3 slides per page. We encourage saving paper where you can!

Emergent Literacy:

Joining and Participating on Zoom (Collaborative)

Sending Pictures in Messaging Apps (Communicative)

Copy and Paste on Your Phone (Technical)


Requesting an Uber Ride (Collaborative)

Sending a Message About an Absence (Communicative)


Create a Resume in Google Docs (Productive)


Creating and Managing Strong Passwords (Technical)

Sample Lesson: Joining and Participating on Zoom

About the Publisher

Digital Literacy Skills is written and published by World Relief with funding from St. Joseph Community Partnership. Whether you’re a volunteer, church, employer, educator or neighbor & friend, when you need support, The World Relief Workshop is your partner in welcome! Our practical courses combine decades of World Relief expertise and make them available to you anytime. Check out our library to find the course that works for you!

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